Asbestos Lawsuit

In an asbestos lawsuit involving the widow of a mechanic who died after contracting mesothelioma from his work at various power plants in the greater New Orleans area, Mr. Bitner defended a global engineering and construction firm that oversaw the construction of one of the power plants at which the decedent had worked. The case involved nearly 50 defendants.  After years of litigation, we were successful at convincing the plaintiffs to dismiss our client from the matter.

However, the third-party claims brought by the owner of the power plants against our client still remained.  On the morning the jury trial was to begin, we were able to convince the judge that because the principle demand against our client had been dismissed by the plaintiffs, the third-party claims brought by the owner of the power plants must also fall. Thus, we were able to get our client out of a case in which the jury awarded nearly $4.5 million in damages.